6,203 Signatures
20th November 2019
Thank you to everyone who signed our petition, both online and on paper. In just six weeks we collected an amazing 6,203 signatures. It’s more than we thought possible and we are very grateful to everyone who has expressed their support.
The petition has now been submitted to the Planning Inspectorate, who will use it as evidence during their examination of Esso’s plans. This adds a huge weight to our arguments and we are delighted that it has been officially recognised as part of the process.
Copies of the petition have also been sent to Rushmoor Borough Council and Leo Docherty, because they were also named on it. Leo Docherty is currently a parliamentary candidate but he was our local MP at the time the petition was launched.
We are aware that many people are still only just becoming aware of Esso’s plans, so we are leaving the petition open. It’s not too late to add your support.
We have also submitted a Written Representation to the Planning Inspectorate - please follow the link if you would like to read it in full. In it, we describe our concerns about Esso’s plans in detail, covering the following activities and their effects on the park:
- Removal of the existing playground
- Building a construction compound
- Tree felling and associated vegetation clearance
- Installing fences along the edge of the site
- Directional drilling under the allotments and associated stringing out of the pipeline
- Auger boring beneath the A325 (more details here)
- Access to the auger boring site for equipment and materials (more details here)
- Trenched installation of the pipeline
- Reinstatement of subsoil and topsoil
- Replacement tree planting (but only where permitted)
- Removal of the construction compound
- Construction of a new playground
Esso are going to turn our park into become a busy, noisy construction site with limited or no access for local residents. The effects will be visible for many years afterwards.
Our Written Representation contains 158 distinct issues which we would like to see Esso address.
If you want to show how much Queen Elizabeth Park means to you, please join us in the park to celebrate National Tree Week on Sunday 24th November, 11:00 - 13:00 - details here.